Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15th - 18 Weeks

Week 18! Wow, where does the time go? We had a detailed ultra sound yesterday and I am amazed by how much she has grown in just a week. She was kicking and moving all around. We were hoping to get a close up of her little face but she kept covering it with her fist. We are have another ultra sound in three weeks to look at her heart so I am hoping she will show us her face then.

I certainly dont feel like I'm in my 4th month of pregnancy but I am sure that will change in the upcoming weeks. Speaking of feelings, I think I actaully felt her move the other night. I was driving home from meeting a friend for dinner so I know I was not feeling hunger pains. It felt like a little butterfly and I felt it on the left side. I have felt it one more time since then and it so cool.

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